Alzheimer Society of Canada 1-800-616-8816
Arthritis Society 1-800-321-1433
Assoc. for the Neurologically Disabled (Can.) 1-800-561-1497
Asthma Society of Canada 1-800-787-3880
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 1-800-387-9816
Canadian Cancer Society 416-961-7223
Canadian Cardiovascular Society 1-877-569-3407
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 1-800-378-2233
Canadian Diabetes Association 1-800-226-8464
Canadian Hearing Society 1-800-465-4327
Canadian Hemophilia Society 1-800-668-2686
Canadian Liver Foundation 1-800-563-5483
Canadian Lung Association 1-800-566-LUNG
Canadian Mental Health Association 416-484-7750
Canadian Blood Services 613-739-2300
Canadian Red Cross 613-740-1900
CARP (Association for Canadians over the age of 50) 416-363-8748
Credit Valley Hospital 905-813-2200
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (Can.) 1-800-387-1479
Epilepsy Canada 1-877-734-0873
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Halton 1-866-442-5866
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada 1-613-569-4361
JBN Medical Diagnostics 905-336-3437
Joseph Brant Hospital 905-632-3730
Kidney Foundation of Canada 1-800-361-7494
Kids' Help Line 1-800-668-6868
Medic Alert 1-800-668-1507
MedVisit Doctor Housecall Service 416-631-3000
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. of Canada 1-800-567-2873
National Eating Disorder Information Centre 416-340-4156
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 905-845-2571
Osteoporosis Society of Canada 1-800-463-6842
Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada 613-241-4474
Psoriasis Society of Canada 1-800-656-4494
Rothbart PAIN Management Clinic 416-512-6407
Telehealth 1-866-797-0000
Travel and Immunization Clinic 905-828-6000
Traveller's Medical Service and Geographic Medicine, 372 Bay Street, suite 401, Toronto 416-350-3555