Oak Park Medical Clinic
Services Offered
Your Ontario Health Card
Helpful Hints

SOME USEFUL LINKS (in alphabetical order):

Canadian Diabetes Association

CARP - Association for Canadians over 50 years of age.

CRISIS COUNSELLING for teens, adults and families provided by F.A.S.T. Available 24 hour phone line 905-469-6338

Government of Ontario Health Information

Halton Region Health Department -Quit Smoking Clinic 905-825-6000 ext. 7887

Health Canada

"Health on the Net" SEARCH ENGINE for disease and drug topics which screens for known, legitimate and unbiased web sites

Heart and Stroke Foundation (Ontario)

House Calls M. D.

JBN Medical Diagnostics

Lice and Nit Infestation Advice

Medic Alert

Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

MOTHERISK drug safety information for pregnant and nursing mothers

Oak Park Community Pharmacy

Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)

POISON CONTROL CENTRE at the Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto

Rothbart PAIN Management Clinic

Travel Information (Centre for Disease Control)

World Health Organization (WHO)


Information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada

Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre

Canadian Women's Health Network

Alzheimer Society of Canada  1-800-616-8816
Arthritis Society  1-800-321-1433
Assoc. for the Neurologically Disabled (Can.)  1-800-561-1497
Asthma Society of Canada  1-800-787-3880
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation  1-800-387-9816
Canadian Cancer Society  416-961-7223
Canadian Cardiovascular Society  1-877-569-3407
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation  1-800-378-2233
Canadian Diabetes Association  1-800-226-8464
Canadian Hearing Society  1-800-465-4327
Canadian Hemophilia Society  1-800-668-2686
Canadian Liver Foundation  1-800-563-5483
Canadian Lung Association  1-800-566-LUNG
Canadian Mental Health Association  416-484-7750
Canadian Blood Services  613-739-2300
Canadian Red Cross  613-740-1900
CARP (Association for Canadians over the age of 50) 416-363-8748 
Credit Valley Hospital 905-813-2200
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (Can.)  1-800-387-1479
Epilepsy Canada 1-877-734-0873
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Halton 1-866-442-5866
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada  1-613-569-4361
JBN Medical Diagnostics  905-336-3437
Joseph Brant Hospital 905-632-3730
Kidney Foundation of Canada  1-800-361-7494
Kids' Help Line 1-800-668-6868
Medic Alert 1-800-668-1507
MedVisit Doctor Housecall Service  416-631-3000
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada  1-800-268-7582
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. of Canada  1-800-567-2873
National Eating Disorder Information Centre  416-340-4156
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 905-845-2571
Osteoporosis Society of Canada  1-800-463-6842
Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada  613-241-4474
Psoriasis Society of Canada  1-800-656-4494 
Rothbart PAIN Management Clinic 416-512-6407
Telehealth 1-866-797-0000
Travel and Immunization Clinic 905-828-6000
Traveller's Medical Service and Geographic Medicine, 372 Bay Street, suite 401, Toronto 416-350-3555

Oak Park Medical Clinic does not necessarily endorse any of the above mentioned web sites nor does it offer any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained on those web sites. These links are provided as a convenience for our patients.