Oak Park Medical Clinic
Helpful Hints
Services Offered
Your Ontario Health Card
Helpful Hints

Helpful hints and guidelines

Prescription Refills:
Feel free to discuss your needs with the doctor at your visit. You will be given a prescription for a medically appropriate supply of medicine which may or may not include an authorization for future refills.
Keep in mind that the walk-in doctors are less likely to authorize refills and many will not prescribe narcotics.
If you feel that you need more medication and your prescription is not refillable, please see your doctor for a refill assessment before you run out. It is helpful to bring all of your medication bottles with you, especially if you are seeing a doctor who does not know you well or if you have been seeing many doctors for various reasons. It is also a good idea to have a list of all of your current medications written down and kept in your wallet or purse.  

Test Results:
Patients will be called if their results are abnormal or positive. You may be asked to come in to discuss the results with a doctor. Please note that non-medical staff are not allowed to disclose results. 
Results will not be discussed over the phone. This helps to ensure confidentiality and keeps misunderstandings to a minimum.
Depending on the test, results may take a few days or a few weeks. The staff can give you a general idea of how long your test results may take to arrive.
You will not normally be called if your results are normal or negative unless the physician wishes to discuss these with you.
If you wish to discuss your results with a doctor, positive or negative, the staff will advise you of the best times to come in. If you wish to know if your results are available, please leave your request with the staff and they will have an answer for you usually within 24 to 48 hours. It takes time to track down a lab or test result!
For lab work, please take your requisiton to a local public laboratory as directed by your physician.
Specimens may be dropped off at any public lab along with your doctor's requisition. Make sure that your name is on both the requisition and specimen and follow the lab's directions carefully.
The addresses of local labs can be found on the "Locations" page of this site.

Preventing the spread of germs:
At the clinic:
  • Bring your own toys, books or magazines with you into the waiting room.
  • Use the hand disinfectant gel when you arrive and again on your way out.
  • If you suspect that you have a highly contagious disease such as the flu or chicken pox, call the receptionist before you come in. It is also a good idea for you to wear a mask (N95) while in the clinic.  

At home:

  • Do not touch your fingers to your nostrils, eyes or mouth.
  • Have every member of the household use their own glass, toothbrush and towel especially when there is an illness making the rounds of the household. Wash these items frequently. 

We want to keep your medical affairs private. In order to maintain patient confidentiality, certain policies are strictly followed:
  • Any individual, 16 years of age and older, is entitled to a private consultation with a physician.
  • Lab or test results will not be given out over the phone.
  • Without patient permission cases will not be discussed with friends or family members with the exception of the parents or legal guardians of children 15 years of age or younger.
  • Both parents of any child 15 years of age or younger are entitled to medical information regarding their child (not over the phone) unless there is a court order to the contrary.
  • In order to ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of medical information and to prevent misunderstandings, reception staff are not allowed to discuss patient medical issues unless specifically ordered by a physician to do so.
  • Documents are shredded when no longer required.  

These days you must consider your health card to be exactly like a type of credit card with which you pay for health care services.
If you do not have your card with you, you will have to pay (refund available if you bring in your valid card within 30 days).
If your card is expired, you will have to pay (refund available if you can get your card updated within 30 days).
Also, there are instances where your health card will be accepted by the receptionist but the claim will be later rejected by the Ministry of Health. You will be responsible for payment.
For example:
If your card has been reported lost or stolen,
If you have moved but not notified the MOH of your new address,
If you used an old or stolen card or someone else's card. 

Allergy shots and vaccinations:
It is wise to remain at the clinic for at least 20 minutes following a shot just in case you suffer a severe "immediate" reaction. Ask the doctor for his or her guidance before you leave.